8Bit Arcade

An unparalleled gaming platform. An ecosystem by the gamers, for the gamers

All Arcade Games

Generative Dungeon
Legend of Aurum
The Great Escape
Bit Hotel
Galactico Manager
Breakfast Defenders
Generative Quest

Available on all your devices

Laptop - 8 bit Arcade - Webflow Template

Laptops & Computers

Mobile - 8 bit Arcade Webflow Template

Phones & Tablets

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a mobile Application?

The mobile App. is in development and will be released during 2024. Until then some of the games are playable through mobile web browsers.

Can I get my game on the 8Bit Arcade platform?

Yes. Your game will need to be appraised by our team for compatibility with the platform's values; but in essence we are welcoming of all indie games. You can contact a member of the team by raising a ticket in our Discord server.

Will you have traditional games on your platform?

Yes. Our aim is to be a bridge between traditional gaming and blockchain gaming. We will host web2 and web3 games all in the same Arcade, side by side. Indie and AAA titles all in one place!

How do I play web3 games if I don’t have a crypto wallet?

When you ‘Sign in’ for the first time you will be able to use a SSO recognised username from the dropdown with the web3auth wallet. From there you can access and play web3 games. In future we will be releasing a direct $USD to crypto bridge; thus, removing the need to interact with a crypto wallet and still be able to do all the same interactions on the 8Bit Arcade as any other gamer. It will be a first of its kind gaming experience!